



华润就业中心 assists students and businesses with a variety of resources to meet their employment needs.

1) 为雇主提供合格的申请人 握手,是我们新的求职和职业管理平台. 

2) 职业探索与规划 资源,包括职业评估; 简历和面试协助 or 自己创业.

3) 协助学生获得学分,通过 工作经历 (也被称为实习或工作经历).


凌晨 is an academic program that strengthens student learning by engaging students of all majors in supervised on-the-job 实习,支付或未支付.

  • 在工作中学习的同时获得大学学分! 
  • Gain valuable experience in the 职业生涯 field related to your educational goal.
  • 在你选择的行业内建立联系.
  • Increase the potential to advance within the 职业生涯 field.
  • 尝试新的职业道路.



我们的转移, 职业生涯, and adult education programs provide quality education in a broad range of disciplines.

雇主可以在网站上发布和管理职位空缺 握手 to reach students at CR, Cal Poly Humboldt, and any college on the 握手 network.

创建 实习 途径为CR学生提供一个 发掘新人才的低成本渠道!

联系就业中心的工作人员 来帮助我们的学生 这个项目 在CR找到你未来的员工.


Not sure what major to choose or how to get accurate information 关于职业? 

发现大学专业 & 职业生涯s that align with your interests, personality, values & 技能.

Meet with our 职业中心 staff to explore local 职业生涯 options, conduct 职业生涯 assessments, and determine the right 职业生涯 for you. 

通过简历咨询和提高就业能力 模拟就职面试. (可在校园内和亲自或通过电话或缩放)

特色职业道路: 加州州立公园护林员



我们已经过渡到握手, a modern platform for college students seeking 职业生涯s and employment!

简单的 登录您的MyCR门户网站 to activate or access your 握手 account and start searching jobs!

找一些校内的勤工俭学工作,或者在当地找一些不错的工作, 状态, 国家, 所有的国际机会都在一个平台上.

Complete your profile and/or upload a resume to impress employers!
需要 创建或更新简历? 就业中心的工作人员可以提供帮助!


工作经历 (凌晨) is an academic program that strengthens student learning by engaging students of all majors in supervised on the 有薪或无薪的实习工作. 凌晨是根据学生的需求定制的. 的re are no class meetings required for students, other than an initial orientation meeting with the 凌晨 Coordinator and meeting with work supervisors and faculty members to discuss learning objectives and job performance.


Read, print and follow the checklist on the "Student Responsibilities" p年龄 in the 下面的教学大纲. Registration occurs with 凌晨 Coordinator approval once all student 文书工作和培训已经完成.


  • General work experience (CE 41) is for students working at a job unrelated to 他们的教育目标/专业.
    CE 41课程大纲
  • Occupational work experience (CE 42) is for students whose job is related to 他们的教育目标/专业.
    CE 42课程大纲


为了让学生正式注册C凌晨, 教师需要阅读C凌晨教学大纲, sign the student's copy of the contract and 创建 learning objectives with the student. All of the forms required are included in the syllabi (syllabi linked in this section).

在学期开始的时候, the supervising faculty member supports the student's success by developing and monitoring learning objectives with the student, which are later presented to work supervisor for approval. Learning objectives specifically describe what it is that the student intends to accomplish that semester at the job site based upon the needs of the work site.

在学期中, the faculty member meets at least once with the work supervisor at the job site to discuss student learning objectives and job performance.

在学期结束时, the faculty member completes a 1-p年龄 evaluation of the C凌晨 program/C凌晨 Coordinator and meets with the student to review evaluations and confirm hours met before entering a grade.

在学期开始的时候, the work supervisor supports the student's success by approving and monitoring learning objectives 创建d by the student and the faculty member. Learning objectives specifically describe what the student intends to accomplish that semester at the job site based upon the needs of the work site.

在学期中, the work supervisor meets with the student's supervising CR faculty member at least once on the job site to discuss learning objectives and student work performance. 的 work supervisor monitors student work hours throughout the semester.

在学期结束时, the work supervisor completes a 1-p年龄 evaluation of the student and C凌晨 program/C凌晨 Coordinator. 的 work supervisor meets with the student to review learning objectives and evaluations and sign the student C凌晨 timecard.

* If a student is performing a non-paid job, College of the Redwoods covers Worker's Compensation. If a student is paid, they must be covered under the work sites Worker's Compensation.

为了让学生正式注册C凌晨, 工作主管需要阅读C凌晨教学大纲, sign the student's copy of contract and coordinate the paid or non-paid 实习 with the student. All of the forms required are included in the syllabi linked in this section




握手 has replaced our old part-time/seasonal job board and offer employers many great new features like:

  • Managing all job postings on campuses with 握手 (including Cal Poly Humboldt and Chico State) at no cost.
  • Posting of 实习, part-time, seasonal, AND full-time positions
  • 一个移动体验更新的招聘启事, 视图的申请人, and more all while on the go using 握手's responsive design.
  • 根据个人资料积极招收学生.


让就业指导中心帮忙 创建 实习 途径为CR学生提供一个 发掘新人才的低成本渠道!

问题? Contact our 职业中心 707-476-4308 or 职业生涯center@lkmjfh.com



一般的问题 电话:476-4135 电子邮件: Welcome-Center@lkmjfh.com
招生 电话:476 - 4200 电子邮件: admissions@lkmjfh.com
金融援助 电话:476 - 4182 电子邮件: finaid@lkmjfh.com
咨询 电话:476 - 4150 电子邮件: counseling@lkmjfh.com





